Thursday, August 29, 2013

Easiest Hard Boiled Eggs, Plus Avocado Egg Salad Recipe

While browsing through Pinterest (my obsession) I stumbled across a pin that blew my mind. Fresh Family Meals claimed that you could get the results of hard boil eggs by putting them in the OVEN!

OMG. Mind Blown.

So, of course, I have to try it! I admit that I was doubtful, but what was the worst thing that could happen?! Nothing because it's AWESOME.

What You Need
  • Eggs
  • Muffin tin
  • Oven
  • Cold water
It's so easy and the best part is that the shells practically fall off the egg! I love it!

When you place your eggs in the muffin tin, if they can wiggle a bit, then add some muffin liners for "cushion" because they may wobble as they heat up. If they are snug in the tin then you can skip this step.
Click to read more

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