Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The 5 Best Houseplants That Help You Sleep Like A Baby

Houseplants are the perfect decoration for your home, but they can also be very beneficial for your overall health. Some plants have powerful calming and cleaning effects, and can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. In this article you can find 5 of the most effective plants that will help you sleep like a baby.

  1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
The 5 Best Houseplants That Help You Sleep Like A Baby 2
This plant cleanses purifies the air and removes all the toxins and carbon dioxide. Also, it releases a certain amount of moisture in the air, which is especially beneficial in winter when the heating system dries out the air.
  1. Aloe Vera
The 5 Best Houseplants That Help You Sleep Like A Baby 3
This plant is considered as the most effective plant for cleaning harmful chemical such as formaldehyde. It releases oxygen during the night which is not typical for other plants. Moreover, it releases volatile, which can boost your immune system.
  1. Ficus Benjamina
The 5 Best Houseplants That Help You Sleep Like A Baby 4
Benjamina is the top air-purifying plant. It has the ability to remove more than 70% of benzene, toluene, ammonia, and other harmful substances from the air that are usually emitted from linoleum, chipboard, and other low-quality synthetics. Also, it destroys half of the existing microbes, significantly improving the quality of your sleep and it is a nice decoration for your bedroom.
  1. Sansevieria Trifasciata
This plant is great for your immune and respiratory system. It can relieve headache and reduce high blood pressure. It emits oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the air during the night.
  1. Boston Fern
Boston Fern is abundant in essential oils, flavonoids and other beneficial substances. Therefore, this plant will significantly calm your nervous system and reduce stress.


Seven foods to boost memory

Forgetful? Want to improve your brain power? Add these memory enhancing foods to your diet.
Source: Stock images
1. Eat oily fish
Salmon, sardines and other oily fish are rich in DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for optimum brain performance and memory. Try to eat fish three times a week and take a good-quality fish oil supplement.
2. Boil an egg
Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, an important nutrient used to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory. Lecithin, spirulina and wheatgerm are also good sources of choline.
3. Snack on walnuts
Walnuts are an excellent source of alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fat the body uses to make DHA. Walnuts also contain an antioxidant called ellagic acid, that helps protect the brain from free radical damage.
4. Take a brahmi supplement
Brahmi is an important herb in ayurvedic medicine and is renowned for being a powerful brain tonic. It can help improve circulation of the brain and enhances short- and long-term memory.
5. Go for ginkgo
Known as the "brain herb", ginkgo is used by herbalists for its ability to enhance memory. Ginkgo improves blood circulation to the brain by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of the blood.
6. Burn rosemary oil
Traditionally, rosemary has been used to improve memory and the essential oil is used in aromatherapy to boost mental performance. Add it to massage oils, creams or oil burners. You can also use the herb in cooking.
7. Tuck into turkey
Turkey contains L-tyrosine, an amino acid the brain uses to produce dopamine, the chemical responsible for mental alertness and memory. L-tyrosine is also found in chicken, fish, almonds, yoghurt and cheese.

Source: /

How to teach your kids about healthy eating

Plus other fun ways to teach them healthy habits
Source: Getty
Do your little ones know how to make the healthiest food choices at the school tuck shop? According to new research by the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation and Medibank, 50 per cent of parents don’t think their kids would know where to start.
Medibank chief medical officer Dr Linda Swan says it’s important to talk to your kids to help them develop healthy lifestyles.
Make time for family meals
“Almost one-in-five primary school children don’t eat dinner around the table with their family regularly,” Swan says. “However, meal times are a great opportunity to talk about what’s on their plate, to encourage them to try new foods, and let them see and hear what other members of the family like to eat.”
Let your kids into the kitchen
Having kids in the kitchen to help you cook for a party is an excellent way to teach them about food. “The compliments they’ll receive from guests is likely to motivate them to be in the kitchen more,” Swans says. “Even simple things such as getting them to fetch ingredients from the fridge, or to clean or peel vegies are all excellent ways to engage them.”
Get their hands dirty
Let them help you plant fruits and vegies in the backyard, or if you don’t have a big space, grow herbs on a sunny windowsill. “Kids will feel proud and excited to eat something they’ve been involved in growing, picking, and cooking themselves,” Swan says.


Lose 15kg In 15 Days With This Diet!


The breakfast is the same throughout the whole diet plan
  • 1 fruit (orange, pear, peach, melon, watermelon,but no bananas or any grapes)
  • 1 orange
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 cup yogurt (about 200ml)
  • 2 tomatoes or 2 dl cooked tomatoes
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 small piece of lettuce or ½ cucumbers
  • 2 pieces of rusk
  • 1 orange
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 cup yogurt (about 200ml)
  • 125 gr boiled beef
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 orange
  • 1 rusk
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee without sugar
  • 1 orange
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 cup of yogurt (about 200ml)
  • 1 piece of lettuce or 1 cucumber
  • 125 gr boiled beef
  • 1 orange
  • 1 rusk
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee
  • 125 gr cow milk cheese
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 rusk
  • 125 gr boiled beef
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 apple
  • 1 rusk
  • 200 gr boiled meat or fish
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 rusk
  • ½ kilos boiled vegetables (carrot, peas, potato)
The meat and the vegetables are cooked with no or just a pinch of salt.
The 6th and 7th day you should stop the diet, and then continue it at day 8 in the same order.
You mustn’t consume any alcohol during this diet plan.
After the 5th day you’ll lose 5 to 10 pounds, and after the 2 days break, the diet plan should be repeated 3 times ( 5 days + 2 days break) and you’ll have no health consequences and still lose 30 pounds. If you continue eating regularly every day except Mondays, you won’t gain back the pounds. On Mondays, you should eat this:
Breakfast: 1 cup of lemon juice without sugar
Lunch: 1 apple, 1 rusk
Dinner: 1 boiled egg, 1 tomato, 1 rusk
All these foods can be taken hot or cold, but it’s important to be taken in the right order and not to omit any. If you don’t take them in the right order, or you just replace one food with another, you won’t achieve the desired effect.

Here are amazing uses of Vicks…

Vicks VapoRub is one of the homemade remedies to get rid of belly fat and cold. It also helps to get silky and smooth skin. It is basically a topical analgesic that contains a number of ingredients including camphor, menthol, eucalyptus and some other ingredients in a petroleum base.

It has been used for getting relief from headaches, cold, cough, congested nose, and chest and throat stuffiness. In addition, Vicks VapoRub can also be used in many ways.

Vicks is a supposed treatment for many diseases than just a congested chest. Here are amazing uses of Vicks:
1) Keeps mosquitoes away
Vicks can be used to keep mosquitoes away. You can do this by applying a little bit of Vaseline on your clothing and skin.
2) Reduces sinus headaches
If you are suffering from sinus headache, Vicks helps you to get relief immediately. Apply Vicks below your nose and take a deep breath. The menthol from Vicks helps to get relief from headache and cold.
3) Ease acne
Vicks helps to clean your skin. You can just apply it n your acnes a few times daily. It will dry out your acne and sooth the affected area.
4) Keeps insects away
If you want to keep flies away, open the Vicks bottle. Mosquitoes will fly away. It will act as the best eco-friendly trick.
5) No more bruises
Apply a pinch of salt in Vicks VapoRub and apply it on a fresh bruise, It helps you to get rid of it immediately.
6) Alleviate Sore Muscles
Vicks can be used to lighten your sole muscles. Massage your sore muscles with Vicks and cover that area with a warm and dry towel. Lift the sore limb until the pain reduces. You can perform this three times per day.
7) Moisturize Your Skin
Vicks VapoRub can be used to moisturize your skin. You can see the positive results.
8) Tennis Elbow
Apply Vicks to get rid of the pain from tennis elbow. Menthol and camphor will help you to feel good. Rub again until the ache stops.
9) Treat cracked heels
Vicks can be used to reduce your cracked heels. In order to get rid of them, apply some Vicks on your feet and heels and then put on your socks. Wash your feet with warm water on the next morning.
It will exfoliate the softened skin with pumice stone. You can do this activity every night to keep your feet healthy and smooth.
10) Fingernail or Toenail Fungus
Apply Vicks on the infected fingernail or toenail twice daily. After applying, put on your socks. Do not forget to trim your nails until your fingernail recovers from the infected part.
11) Relieve Congestion Symptoms and Cough
To relieve from congestion symptoms and cough, apply Vicks on your throat and chest.
12) Prevent Your Cat’s Scratching
If you want to stop your cat’s scratching, rub some Vicks to your windows, walls, and doors.
13) Fast Healing of Cuts and Splinters
You can increase the time of healing and prevent infection by applying Vicks on any splinter or cuts.
14) Reek-free Racehorses
Professional racers rub Vicks below the nostrils of racehorses on the race day. This prevents the horses from the fascinating stench of the female pony and keeps them focused on the race
15) Stretch Marks
You can reduce the visibility of the awful stretch marks by applying Vicks on the affected area. You can see the best result after two weeks of regular application.
16) Prevent Your Pet’s Peeing
To avoid your pet’s wetting on the rug or any area of the house, place an open bottle of Vicks in those areas.
17) Eczema-free
By applying Vicks on the affected skin, itchiness, inflammation of eczema can be reduced.
18) Relieve Terrible Ear Pain
You can receive relief immediately by applying some Vicks on a cotton ball and then put it in the painful ear. You can also warm garlic clove in the microwave for 10 seconds and then apply some Vicks vapo rub on one of the ends of the clove and place it in your ear.
19) Athlete’s Feet
Heal athlete’s feet by applying Vicks twice daily.
20) Remove Warts
In order to remove Warts, apply Vicks twice a day and cover it with gauze and a sock. Continue this for two weeks, until the wart disappears.
21) Fat Burning Cream
Use Vicks VapoRub to reduce fat. It can stimulate fat burning in the problematic area, such as abdomen and legs.
Vicks can also reduce fat accumulation, remove cellulite and make skin tissue certain. All you need to do is prepare a cream with Vicks VapoRub, baking soda, camphor and a little bit of alcohol. Apply the resulted cream in the problematic areas and cover with black plastic or a clamping strip.
You can do it when you are at house, at work or before doing your exercises.
VapoRub includes levomenthol, a solid white glass with mint flavor. Do not use it alone, as it may lead to rash. Vicks is safe to use as it contains eucalyptus oil.
Camphor is another used ingredient that is dangerous to health, so it is not recommended to use it directly, but in the commercial product packaging.
Vicks Home remedy:
Needed ingredients:
– Vicks VapoRub
– Camphor
– Sodium bicarbonate
– Alcohol

How to prepare it:
Squeeze the camphor well and mix it with ingredients until it turns as a paste. Place it in a plastic or glass container. Apply the cream in the evening and make circular movements. Then, cover the area with plastic wrap and let it be there for 30 minutes or overnight.

Source:  /

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Quick and Easy Banana Bread Recipe

 It’s the bananas that make banana bread so moist, sweet and flavorful.
However, the fact remains that bananas are a tasty super food that can give our bodies all the good stuff it needs to thrive. They’re packed full of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, and all-natural sugars, like sucrose and fructose.
 No matter what recipe you use, remember this. There is no point in baking up a batch of banana bread without using ripe bananas. In fact if you can wait a day for browned, overripe and speckled bananas, it’s even better. If your bananas are still green, wait a day or two. You won’t regret it.
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 55 minutes
  • Yield: Makes one loaf


  • 2-3 very ripe bananas, peeled
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 3/4 cup sugar (1/2 cup if you would like it less sweet, 1 cup if more sweet)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour


Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan.
In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until completely smooth. Stir the melted butter into the mashed bananas.
Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and vanilla extract. Mix in the flour.
Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour at 350°F (175°C), or until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean.
Remove from oven and cool completely on a rack. Remove the banana bread from the pan. Slice and serve. (A bread knife helps to make slices that aren't crumbly.)
No mixer required. All you need is a fork. 
You definitely don’t need a mixer to make banana bread : a fork works perfectly fine.

from Simply Recipes:

Monday, June 20, 2016

6 Tips On How To Fast in Order To Get Pregnant

6 Tips On How To Fast in Order To Get Pregnant - So here are a few quick tips get pregnant which I took from the compass without editing for the message to experts who can help you realize your dream to soon have children not flooded intersections.

6 Tips Of the Pregnant

But sorry, reviews in this article only a few important points, because the information I can be limited. The rest you can find a full explanation in the guide how to quickly achieve thick pregnant 299 pages. I am sure you will get valuable information about how to quickly get pregnant, because the creator of this book is an expert on pregnancy already dedicating his life to help couples who want to get pregnant soon.

OK, please read to understand the meaning and don't forget the shared article 6 tips secrets in order for this to become pregnant quickly if useful.

1. Watch Your Weight

Ideally, you start your pregnancy at ideal body weight. Even so did the weight loss radically only to get pregnant is not a healthy action.

"It is best to do the dietary and exercise settings before conception and continue this while pregnant and after giving birth," said Dr. Susan Clifford an obgyn, Assistant Professor at Duke University Medical Center.

Mild aerobic exercise can still be done of pregnant women. But if before conceiving a person less actively moving it will be difficult to work out while pregnant. Keep the weight also means quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, taking prenatal vitamins, and eating healthy foods.

2. Prediction of Fertile Period

To maximize the chances of pregnancy, try using a fruitful period prediction tool. This tool will detect luteinizing hormone, which when we were infertile. Any usage is easy, as is the case in home pregnancy test kits.

3. Keep Your Mood
Trying to have a baby can be started with sexual intercourse during fertile. But after some time the activity is starting to feels like an obligation than a desired activity with the husband.

To prevent the onset of such feelings, try to keep being romantic and do something relaxing before making love. For example a movie both or pillow talk about things lightly. You should not need to force the couple to fuck just because it was a time of flourishing you. The feeling was forced to make the event could not be interesting so fuck both of you lazy to repeat it.

4. Tests and Tests
When an already fertilized egg attaches in the womb, the body will produce a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and the presence of this hormone can be detected by the pregnancy test kits at home.

Don't be shy to do pregnancy test if Your menses too late. How this helps to protect the would-be baby and you could soon be making changes in lifestyle for the sake of the health of the baby.

5. Prepare Mentally
Pregnant doesn't always happen on the first try. The feeling of impatience while waiting for results on a pregnancy test tools then the result is negative can indeed make us sad. But know you're not alone.

Experts said the possibility of fertile age couples to get pregnant persiklus is 20 percent, and about 50 percent of the fertile new age couples get pregnant after 6 months. Meanwhile, 85 percent of new couples getting pregnant after one year of doing pregnancy program.

6. Search Support
Ease of information on the internet greatly facilitate us to join the same community for the sake of getting support and share experiences. Know there are many others out there who have the same experience will make us not too depressed. The mood relaxed and stress free acknowledged many people may help materialize a desirable pregnancy.