Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pets. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

Litter Robot Self Cleaning Litter Box Review

I don't know about you, but I love my cats and I hate clean those darn litter boxes. Seriously, what happens in their bodies to get their poop to smell like that?!

Maybe you've tried other "smart" or "self cleaning" litter boxes-- I know I have! What a joke, right?! My favorites were the rake and the sifter which both made me want to vomit when I cleaned the excrement from the teeny gaps and holes! Gross! But there are so many other options like the chemical crap storm washable litter, the cradle of filth box, train your cat to use a toilet nightmare and the topsy-turvy poop mixer. What amazing selections!

For over a decade, I've been searching for the answer to the litter box problem, but time and time again I would just go back to the old fashion scoopable litter box. But when Leo (the lazy) started having urinary problems, my vet told me that making sure he had an "extremely" clean litter box was critical for his health. In fact, the consequences of another urinary problem would be chopping of what remained of his manhood. I don't know about you, but I think he would want to keep that!

So, here I am scooping the litter box 4 times a day so my cat can keep his penis. I'm so generous. And tired. Of Poop.

Self Cleaning Litter Box Review and $25 off Litter Robot
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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Bad Breath Busting Biscuit for your Dog (Grain Free)

I have a confession.

My dog likes to eat horrible things like vomit. It's so gross!!! He doesn't care if it's his own or the cat's upchunkings but he wants it. BAD. Needless to say his breath is less than desirable at time.

That's why I created the Puppy Peppermint Bad Breathe Biscuits. They are even grain-free for your paleo or gluten sensitive pup and it helps to clean his teeth and freshen his breath. Not to mention he goes crazy over them!

Bad Breath busting biscuits for dogs using peppermint essential oil

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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6 Natural Recipes to Support Your Dog's Health

Since I've started using essential oils I've been researching ways to use them for my dog, Hercules. We've made DIY dog shampoo, flea collars, deodorizers, aging support, itchy spots relief and more.

Today I wanted to share with you some of our recipes that have helped Hercules and his doggie friends, Roma and Rudy. I recommend this brand of essential oil because it is recommended by holistic veterinarians! 

How to use essential oils for dogs to create recipes like shampoo, calming spray and more

When using essential oils, the amount used should be based upon the dog's weight. All of these recipes are for dogs who weight 60+ pounds. If you have a smaller dog, please use a larger dilution ratio by doubling the amount of carrier oils or water in the recipes. These recipes are not intended for other pets, including cats. Some of these oils can cause liver toxicity in our feline friends if applied directly to their bodies-- so dogs only please! Never use tea tree on a cat-- very small amounts can be fatal.

I recommend ONLY this brand of essential oil! 

How to make easy homemade dog shampoo. Can be helpful for dry skin and more #dog #DIY #essentialoils
DIY Dog Shampoo
This shampoo can be helpful to support the skin and coat.
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoons of castile soap
  • ¼ tsp vitamin E
  • 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of Roman chamomile 
  • 2 drops of Purification
  • 1 drops of cedar wood 
  • optional: 2 drops of citronella 
Mix all of this together in a glass jar (an oil dispenser works fabulously). It is watery, but use it like you would normal doggie shampoo. It doesn't suds very much, but it's gentle and very effective. A big bonus is that your dog will smell absolutely amazing for days! 

Deodorizing Collar for Dogs
  • ⅓ cup of purified water
  • 2 drops of citronella 
  • 2 drops lavender
  • 2 drops purification 
  • 2 drops peppermint
Mix together the recipe in a small bowl and soak your dog's collar in the liquid. Be careful not to submerge any plastic pieces (essential oils can degrade plastic). Cotton or natural fiber collars are best for this recipe. 

Let the collar dry and then put it on your pooch! Instant awesomeness collar! Yay! And he will also smell wonderful!! I usually save my liquid by putting it into a mason jar and using it to soak his collar about every two weeks. No need to waste, right!?
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