Showing posts with label Dublin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dublin. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2015

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take

I don't really know where to begin with this post, so I guess I'd better just start with the big news - I'm moving to Dublin!

So much is changing, and it's both scary and exciting! I'm moving to a new country for a new job, and I'll be moving in with my boyfriend for the first time after never living away from home - it's a massive change! But I've been craving a change for a long time now and, after being with my partner for 6+ years, the timing of it just really feels right.

After spending nearly 3 years away from fashion after graduating, I'll finally be working within the industry again - which I can't wait for! Everything about fashion excites me, so it feels like the missing piece of the puzzle to go back into it again.

What's more is, since my partner moved to Dublin in January, I've got to see what the city is like, and I've yet to find anything about it that I dislike about it! It's such a friendly and lively city, but at the same time it doesn't feel claustrophobic or over crowded. And, as you can see from my last post here, even though you're in a city it's still so easy to get back to nature. I really can't wait to move here.

I'm still in a state of both excitement and panic, with less than 2 weeks to go now before I move (I fly out on the 7th of May!) so bear with me! Initially I'll just be going over with hand luggage - crazy I know, especially as I'm the kind of person that will pack about 5 bags for a weekend away! But I've been doing as much as I can to clear through all of my belongings, and really be brutal at getting rid of things I don't need. And this way I make sure I only ever take with me what I need.

So now the countdown to this big new chapter in my life begins - 11 days to go! 


Friday, April 3, 2015

Day Trip to Howth

At the start of the new year my partner relocated from England to Dublin for a new job. Since his relocation I've tried to visit as much as possible, and I set visit to Howth on my agenda after being hearing so many good things about the place. Luckily only 2 months into him living there we got to visit this lovely town, and I thought I'd share our trip with you.

Howth is a lovely sea-side town just off the city of Dublin. It has a lovely market place, a pier and is famous for it's seafood and cliff walks. I'm sure it has many other things to offer, but we made this an afternoon trip and only got to explore about half of the town.

The first place we headed to was the market, which is filled with unique pieces and friendly faces. There were items from jewellery, to natural handmade skincare, to unique nic-nacs.
Afterwards we took a stroll along the pier before heading to the cliffs.

We got a bit lost looking for the cliff walks (I don't know how, it's really not that hard to find!), but once we found our way the views were amazing. We lucked out on the weather too as it was so sunny with no wind (I probably wouldn't recommend doing the cliff walks on a windy day for obvious reasons!).

Apparently on some days you can spot Dolphins or Sea Lions. Sadly we didn't see any, but it was still a beautiful day out and I would recommend this to anyone. We only walked as far as the lighthouse, then returned to the pier through the main town. I would definitely go back in a heartbeat to do the full walk around the whole of the cliff walks (hopefully then we'll get to see some Dolphins or Sea Lions!)

There is supposed to be an amazing sea food restaurant in Howth - I can't remember it's name of it just now, but at the end of the day we actually ended up going to this lovely cafe instead called King Sitric, East Cafe Bar. We sat outside under the heaters and ate fish and chips whilst the sunset. Cheesy I know haha! But it really was the perfect day out. I'm glad so many people pushed us to go.

Have you been to Dublin or Howth before? Where is your favourite place to visit?
