1) Keep your Face Clean
- do not cover your face with hair; let your skin breath.
- sleep on your back so your face will not touch your bed sheets!
- wash your towels/pillow cases/bed sheets often.
- avoid unnecessary touch of your face because your hands are probably not germ-free.
- wash face twice a day with a good cleanser that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. however, do not over-wash your face as this will only irritate it.
- Try to avoid use cosmetics if you can. If not, oil-free cosmetics are recommended!
- Try to eat more vegetables and fruits rather than starchy foods
- Apple seems to be helpful to some people
- Yogurt also helps if you keep on eating it on a daily basis
- Take dietary supplements to keep skin healthy
3) Good night sleep - Try to have 7/8hrs of sleep every night. Your body needs a reboot in order to function properly the next day and so does your skin. So don't be reluctant to remember taking a 'beauty nap' either!
4) Reduce Stress - involving in a supportive network (family, friends, your neighborhood community), practice in meditation, yoga are all examples to help in reduce stress. The more your laugh, the less stress you'll have in life.