Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 Minute

There is one ingredient that people are unaware of it and honestly it is so powerful that could even prevent heart attack. It is one kind of chili pepper and its name is Cayenne. After you find out about the benefits of it, you might go to the closest store and buy couple for every case.

It is mysteriously good and it is subject of many health experts around the world. Doctors and healers are fascinated from the healing properties that this ingredient offers. One of them is Dr. Christopher that proudly says “Thank God for this cayenne pepper. I never lost any patient dying over heart attack and all the credit goes to the pepper”. Studies never happened around it but is well known that one cup of cayenne pepper tea is making miracles.

Cayenne Pepper is easy to find. Just go to the local supermarkets or health food stores. Cayenne pepper also has couple of units, habanero, African bird, Thai Chi, Jamaican Hot Pepper are species with same SHU value. If you have someone around experiencing a heart attack and if he is in conscious give him a teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water but if he is unconscious use extract and put a few drops under his tongue.
It has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding and increases the recovery faster after heart attack. It is balancing the circulation of blood and increases the heart rate.

As many sources declare that they never lost anyone thanks to this therapy you should strictly use cayenne pepper gown in India or South America. Unlike the peppers chili is perennial plant and stronger than the usual pepper containing more capsaicin. Also for the record buy usually the tiniest kinds of peppers.

First you should put your safety gloves. Take cayenne pepper powder, 1-3 fresh cayenne pepper, 50% alcohol, 1l glass bottle. Fill quarter bottle with cayenne powder and put alcohol enough so that the powder it’s covered. After this, mix the fresh peppers with enough alcohol and add the mixture so that ¾ of the bottle is filled. Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and leave it in a dark place for two weeks, with shaking it several times daily. If you want stronger tincture let it infuse three months before straining. Store it in a dark place and it can never be spoiled also. To the patient that survived heart attack and is conscious you should give 5-10 drops from the tincture, after 5-10 minutes another 5-10 drops. The treatment is repeats until condition is improved. If the patient is unconscious 1-3 drops under their tongue after 5 minutes same.

As I said before cayenne pepper has many beneficial properties. It can be used as treatment in other occasions also. It has antifungal background and it prevents Phomopsis and Colletotrichum. With constant consuming the unnecessary gases will be released and your digestive system will be improved. Patients in which is diagnosed lung cancer have benefits from it also because the capsaicin found in the pepper prevents developing tumors and also similar results are found in patients suffering from liver cancer. Helps with migraines, allergies, flu, toothache and arthritis.

Cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural remedies and indeed does miracles for the heart. Calcium, zinc, selenium and magnesium are one of the 26 nutrients found inside. Indeed is also rich in Vitamin C and A.

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