Friday, July 11, 2014

Amazingly Easy DIY Citrus Dish Soap

Sometimes I question my intelligence.

I have been trying to figure out a DIY dish soap recipe for months. MONTHS! I've been shaving down bars of soap, melting them, and then adding all these amazing ingredients, but then it ends up becoming a weird pile of goop. I've tried everything and NOTHING WORKED! Until now. This recipe is seriously so simple that I'm really ashamed that it's taken me this long.

Are you ready for this one? It might blow your mind cuz it's soooooo easy!!!!

Easy DIY dish soap that works for oil and grease! #DIY #dishsoap #greencleaners

DIY Citrus Dish Soap Recipe
  • 1 cup of Liquid Castile Soap (like this one)
  • ⅓ cup of distilled or purified water
  • 1 tsp vegetable glycerin which helps to cut grease and thicken soap (I like this one)
  • 5 drops of Lemon essential oil (I recommend this brand)
  • 5-10 drops of a complimentary essential oil like 5 drops of citrus fresh and 5 drops of purification (I recommend this brand)
  • ½ tsp fine salt
  • Optional: 1/2 capful of Thieves Household Cleaner to have more suds
I add the salt to your soap dispenser or bottle, then add the essential oils and shake the jar to mix them together. FIY: Adding the salt to your essential oils helps prevent that whole "water and oil don't mix" thing. They will still separate a little, but not nearly as much.

Next, add the water-- shake, shake, shake to get the salt dissolved. Add the vegetable glycerin and castile soap-- give it one good shake and you are ready to get scrubbing!

TIP: This works best when NOT added to dish water, but rather put in a small dish and you dip the sponge into it to clean the dishes individually.

I gotta say that I'm pretty impressed with myself. If I have a particularly greasy item I'll just squirt a little directly into the grease and scrub-- it easily has come off for me every time! The vegetable glycerin also helps it to be gentle on skin, too!

How to make a homemade citrus dish soap that helps to remove grease #diycleaners #dishsoap
Essential Oils for Dish Soap
My favorite essential oils to use for dish soap are Lemon, Citrus Fresh and Purification because they smells fabulously and they clean really well!

I really like Lemon because of it's strong degreasing properties. I'll add other essential oils into the mix for better cleaning-- Citrus Fresh can help remove grease and grime from dishes, and Purification removes odors and disinfects as it cleans. Lately, I've been really liking Citrus Fresh, Purification and Lemon together. It smells so fresh and so clean clean!

But if you aren't a fan of citrus, you can use peppermint, lavender, Thieves, tea tree, pine or any other essential oil which is typically used in cleaning products, too. It's a lot of fun to create your own signature scent even for dish soap!!

If you'd like more information about essential oils please visit this post or if you'd like to join my Natural Living Support Group on Facebook please fill out this form!

I can't wait to hear what you guys think of this DIY dish soap recipe! I hope you like it!!

Are you looking for Hand Soap? Try this recipe! I looooove it!

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