More and more recently I've started to be much more aware of my diet, and the crap I put into my body. Too often I find myself low on energy, feeling sluggish and not being able to focus properly. Plus having food allergies, food has started to rule my life in a bad way.
So I've decided to actually take control of what goes into my body, and hopefully I will start noticing benefits from this.
I've found that Instagram is a great place to surround yourself with people sharing healthy food photos, as well as other health and fitness inspiration. It's actually through Instagram that I came across Tiny Tea by Your Tea (just search the hashtag tinytea and you'll see others results with this tea).
Your Tea do so many different types of teas to suit different needs. I decided to begin with the 28 day Teatox with their Tiny Tea and see how I get on with it, and it finally arrived on my doorstep yesterday!
What Tiny Tea claims to do:
*Nourish and Cleanse the digestive system
*Reduce Weight
*Ease Bloating
*Improve Skin Clarity
*Increase Energy Levels
*Alleviate issues associated with Food Intolerances
The main points that interested me were the cleansing, skin, energy and food intolerance benefits it boasts. Whilst I know it won't cure any allergies or intolerances, if it can have any kind of benefit towards it I'll be happy!
Drinking Instructions:
Your Tea give instructions to drink this tea 3 times a day, 30 minutes before each meal as it needs to be drunk on an empty stomach. They also say to steep the tea for 5-7 minutes before drinking.
Not being able to have dairy, I am used to having my tea black, and mostly drink tea without sugar anyway, but it does say you can add lemon or honey to it if you wish to. Seeing as I have to have this 3 times a day for 28 days I'm sure I'll be adding these to change it up a bit!
Camellia Sinesis, Catsia, Lotus Leaf, Barley, White Tea, Prunella Spike, Adzuki Bean.
(This does contain gluten, however they also stock a gluten free version of this tea)
My First Impressions:
As this is my first day I can't give any feedback on any benefits, but I can at least give you an idea on taste.
There are so many different reviews out there, some saying they couldn't taste much flavour, others saying it's too overpowering and they couldn't drink it. Honestly I am someone that is easily put off by things if I don't like the taste, but I actually didn't mind it.
I said before Im used to black tea anyway, (to give you an idea I tend to drink Assam or Chai flavoured teas by Twinings) and I'd say it's very mild in comparison - and I did accidentally leave the first bag in too long! I honestly quite like the taste, and don't feel I have to add anything to it to change the flavour. It's not overpowering in the slightest, and Id say the majority of people out there will think it's fine, but obviously not everyones tastes are the same, so there are bound to be a few of you that don't like it.
One thing I will definitely struggle with is drinking this 30 minutes before breakfast. I'm so used to having breakfast as soon as I wake up, so remembering to have the tea first will take a bit of getting used to.
Overall my first impressions are good, and I'm looking forward to seeing how I get on with these teas!
You can choose either a 14 day Teatox, or 28 days. I'll recap how Im getting on in 14 days time, and then again at the end of the 28 days. The teas can be purchased here.
Has anyone else tried these teas, or are in the process of trying these?
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